Native Hawaiian Flowers

Hawaii’s Flowers Native – The Island’s Beautiful Flora

Hawaii has stunning natural beauty, and one of the most iconic symbols of this beauty is its flowers. Hawaii is home to a diverse range of native flowers, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. From the vibrant hibiscus to the delicate plumeria, these flowers are an essential part of Hawaii’s culture and history.

Hawaiian Flowers

The flowers native to Hawaii are not only beautiful but also have significant cultural and environmental importance. For example, the yellow hibiscus, also known as the Pua Aloalo, is the state flower of Hawaii and represents the islands’ hospitality and love. The Lehua blossom, another iconic Hawaiian flower, is considered sacred in Hawaiian culture and is often used in traditional Hawaiian ceremonies. Additionally, many of these flowers play a crucial role in Hawaii’s ecosystem, providing food and shelter for various species of birds, insects, and other animals.

Flower Lovers Want to Know

What are some common perennial flowers found in Hawaii?

Hawaii is home to a variety of beautiful perennial flowers that bloom year-round. Some of the most common ones include the Bird of Paradise, Plumeria, and Hibiscus.

Can you list some native Hawaiian flowering bushes?

There are several native Hawaiian flowering bushes that are worth mentioning. One of the most popular is the Ohia Lehua, with beautiful red flowers. Another native flowering bush is the Koli’i, which produces bright yellow flowers and is commonly used in landscaping.

What are five popular native Hawaiian plants suitable for landscaping?

Here are five popular Hawaiian plants:

  • Ti Plant (Cordyline fruticosa)
  • Ohia Lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha)
  • Naupaka (Scaevola taccada)
  • Pua Kala (Senna surattensis)
  • Hibiscus (Hibiscus arnottianus)

Which Hawaiian flower is the most beautiful?

One flower that is often considered the most beautiful in Hawaii is the Plumeria.

What is recognized as the traditional state flower of Hawaii?

The traditional state flower of Hawaii is the Yellow Hibiscus (Hibiscus brackenridgei), officially recognized as the state flower in 1988. But, it has been a symbol of Hawaii for much longer than that.

Are there any unique purple flowers that are native to Hawaii?

Yes, there are several unique purple flowers that are native to Hawaii. One of the most popular is the Ohi’a Lehua, which produces red and purple flowers. Another is the Hawaiian Violet (Viola helenae), which produces small, delicate purple flowers.

Hawaii’s Flowers Native – The Island’s Beautiful Flora

Let’s explore the different types of flowers native to Hawaii, their cultural significance, and their ecological importance. We will also provide a guide to some of the best places to see these flowers in their natural habitat. So, join us on this journey to discover the unique and beautiful flowers that make Hawaii such a special place.

History of Hawaiian Flora

Hawaii’s flora is unique and diverse, with many species found nowhere else in the world. The first Hawaiian plants arrived on the islands millions of years ago, carried by wind, ocean currents, and birds. Over time, these plants evolved into unique species adapted to Hawaii’s environment.

Polynesian Introductions

The first humans to arrive in Hawaii were Polynesians who brought with them plants and animals that were important for their survival. These included taro, sweet potato, breadfruit, and coconut. These plants became an important part of Hawaiian culture and cuisine.

Western Influence on Hawaiian Botany

In the 18th and 19th centuries, Western explorers and botanists arrived in Hawaii and began to study the islands’ flora. Many new species were discovered and introduced to Hawaii, including fruit trees, ornamental plants, and crops such as coffee and sugarcane. Some of these introduced species became invasive and threatened the survival of native plants.

Today, Hawaii’s flora faces many challenges, including habitat loss, invasive species, and climate change. Efforts are being made to protect and restore native plants and ecosystems, and to educate people about the importance of preserving Hawaii’s unique flora for future generations.

Diversity of Native Hawaiian Flowers

There are approximately 1,400 vascular plant taxa native to the state of Hawaii, and nearly 90% of these exist nowhere else in the world. The diversity of native Hawaiian flowers is truly remarkable, and it is a testament to the unique environment and history of the Hawaiian Islands.

Endemic Species

Endemic species are those that are found only in Hawaii and nowhere else in the world. These species are particularly vulnerable to extinction due to their limited distribution. Some of the most iconic endemic flowers of Hawaii include the state flower, the yellow hibiscus (Hibiscus brackenridgei), and the silversword (Argyroxiphium spp.), which is found only on the high-elevation volcanic slopes of Haleakala and Mauna Kea.

Indigenous Varieties

Indigenous varieties are those that are found both in Hawaii and elsewhere in the world. However, the Hawaiian varieties are often unique and distinct from their counterparts in other regions. For example, the plumeria (Plumeria spp.) is a common flower in Hawaii, but the Hawaiian varieties have a distinct fragrance and coloration that sets them apart from other plumeria varieties. Other indigenous varieties include the bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae), is native to South Africa but is very common in Hawaiian gardens.

Conservation Efforts

Threats to Native Species

As with many island ecosystems, Hawaii’s unique flora is under threat from a variety of factors. The introduction of non-native species has been a major problem, as invasive plants can outcompete native species for resources such as water and nutrients. Invasive animals, such as feral pigs and goats, can also damage native habitats by trampling and eating native plants. Climate change is another serious threat, as rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns can alter the distribution and abundance of native plant species.

Restoration Projects

Fortunately, there are many ongoing efforts to conserve Hawaii’s native flora. One important approach is habitat restoration, which involves removing invasive species and replanting native plants. The Lyon Arboretum, part of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, is one organization that is actively involved in such restoration projects. They are working to save Hawaii’s native plants from the effects of climate change, as well as other threats such as habitat loss and degradation.

Another important conservation strategy is the protection of critical habitats. The National Fish and Wildlife Fund’s Hawaii Conservation Program aims to strategically protect and enhance essential habitats in Hawaii, from the mountains to the ocean, to reduce extinction risk and sustain resilient populations of native species. This program also works to control and eradicate invasive species, which can have a devastating impact on native ecosystems.

Popular Native Flowers

Hawaii is home to a variety of beautiful and unique flowers. In this section, we will explore some of the most popular native flowers in Hawaii.

Yellow HibiscusHibiscus

The hibiscus is the state flower of Hawaii and is one of the most recognizable flowers on the islands. Hibiscus come in a variety of colors and sizes and grow throughout Hawaii. The flowers are large and showy, with a trumpet-shaped bloom that can be up to six inches in diameter. The hibiscus is a symbol of love and friendship.


Frangipani Alba MeaningPlumeria

Another popular native flower in Hawaii is the plumeria. It has a fragrant scent and many beautiful colors. The flowers are used in leis and come in shades of pink, yellow, white, and red. The plumeria interchangeably called “frangipani” and is used to make perfume and essential oils.



ohia lehua - Hawaiian FlowersOhia Lehua

The ohia lehua is a native tree in Hawaii that produces beautiful red flowers. It is a sacred tree in Hawaiian culture and represents the volcano goddess Pele. The flowers are a symbol of love and devotion.



Bird of Paradise FlowersBird of Paradise

Hawaii, the land of sunshine is the perfect place for Bird of paradise flowers who thrive in the sun.  The vibrant colors resemble a bird in flight, hence the name Bird of Paradise.  This gorgeous, complex plant is symbolic of freedom, joy, and spirituality.




Gelatinous spikey leaves house the water this plant needs to feed.  Where most flowers have have air, silverswords have water.  With a flowering center stalk that can reach upwards of  3 feet tall, this rosette can live to the ripe old age of 90.



Hawaiin Cordyline fruticosaTi Plant (Cordyline fruticosa)

Ti also called Ki, is considered a plant of gods.  It represents blessings and protection for the Hawaiian peoples by the Higher Spirit.  Its colorful leaves and stem grow up to 10 feet tall.



Scaevola taccada Flowers Native to HawaiiNaupaka (Scaevola taccada)

With two distinct species of the Naupaka flower, it is a wonder they are related.  The Kahakai grows a layer of lower petals only, while the Mountain Naupaka’s petals emerge only from the top of the flower.  An old Hawaiian legend tells a story of two lovers (Kahakai and Mountain) separated by the goddess Pele.


Senna surattensis - Pua KalaPua Kala (Senna surattensis)

Pua kala directly translated mean thorny flower.  This is because the senna surattensis has prickly leaves.  These native Hawaiian flowers grow in the dry coastal forests of the islands.



Hawaiian BellflowerHawaiian Bellflower

A member of the Campanulacea species of bellflowers, this purple beauty is truly a sight to behold.  If you are looking to attract hummingbirds, this the Hawaiian bellflower is just what the doctor, or should we say, the gardener ordered.




Hokuloa are referred to as the heart of Hawaii.  Anthurium means “tail flower.”  In fact, it is the small center spike that is the flower not the heart-shaped petals beneath it.


Flowering Seasons in Hawaii

Hawaii is a tropical paradise that is home to a wide variety of flowering plants. The islands have a warm and humid climate that is perfect for growing beautiful flowers all year round. In this section, we will take a closer look at the different flowering seasons in Hawaii.

  • Spring Bloomers –  many of the islands’ flowers are in full bloom in spring. Some of the most popular spring bloomers include the Hibiscus, Plumeria, and the Hawaiian Bellflower.
  • Summer Colors – Summer is another great time to visit Hawaii if you love flowers. During this season, the islands are bursting with color and life. Some of the most popular summer flowers in Hawaii include the Bird of Paradise, the Anthurium, and the Heliconia. These flowers have bold and vibrant colors that are sure to brighten up any day.
  • Year-Round Blossoms – While spring and summer are the peak flowering seasons in Hawaii, there are still plenty of flowers to enjoy throughout the year. Some of the most popular year-round blossoms include the Plumeria, the Hibiscus, and the Orchid. These flowers have beauty and resiliency, and they are sure to bring a smile to your face no matter what time of year it is.

Habitats and Ecosystems

Hawaii’s unique ecosystem has fostered the evolution of many wondrous native plants over millions of years. These plants are adapted to a variety of habitats and ecosystems found throughout the Hawaiian Islands. In this section, we will explore some of the most prominent habitats and ecosystems that support Hawaii’s native flora.

Rainforest Flora

One of the most iconic habitats in Hawaii is the lush rainforest. These forests are home to a diverse array of native plant species, including ferns, orchids, and trees such as the ohia and koa. The rainforest floor is covered in a thick layer of organic matter that provides an ideal environment for many plant species to thrive. The high rainfall and humidity in these areas also contribute to the growth and abundance of rainforest flora.

Volcanic Landscapes

Hawaii’s volcanic landscapes are another important habitat for native plant species. These areas have barren lava fields, cinder cones, and other volcanic features. Despite the harsh conditions, many plant species have adapted to these unique environments. One such species is the silversword, a rare plant that grows only on the slopes of Haleakala and Mauna Kea.

Coastal Plant Life

The coastline of Hawaii is home to a variety of plant species that have adapted to the harsh coastal environment. These plants must be able to withstand strong winds, salt spray, and other environmental stressors. Some of the most iconic coastal plant species include the hala tree, coconut palm, and naupaka. These plants not only provide important habitat for wildlife, but they also play a key role in protecting Hawaii’s fragile coastline from erosion.

Uses of Native Flowers

Native Hawaiian flowers have been used for various purposes for centuries. Let’s explore some of the most common uses of these flowers.

  1. Cultural Significance – Native Hawaiian flowers hold great cultural significance for the people of Hawaii. They are used in traditional ceremonies, hula dances, and other cultural events. For example, the yellow hibiscus, is the state flower of Hawaii and is used in lei making. The lei symbolizes love, respect, and aloha spirit.
  2. Medicinal Applications – Some native Hawaiian flowers have medicinal properties and have been used to treat various ailments. For example, the noni fruit, which is often used in traditional Hawaiian medicine, is made from the fruit of the noni plant. The fruit is believed to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibacterial properties.
  3. Landscaping and Ornamentals – Native Hawaiian flowers are also used for landscaping and ornamental purposes. They add color and beauty to gardens and are used in floral arrangements. Some popular native Hawaiian flowers used for landscaping and ornamental purposes include the plumeria, hibiscus, and bird of paradise.

Final Sprouts of Wisdom

Hawaii’s flora is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of plants, and to the importance of preserving the natural world for the benefit of all.  The diversity of native Hawaiian flowers is a source of pride and wonder for those who live on the islands. These flowers are not only beautiful but also play an important role in the ecology and culture of Hawaii. We must do all we can to protect and preserve these precious treasures for future generations to enjoy.

Hawaii is a paradise for flower lovers. Beautiful blooms surround, whether you are visiting in the spring, summer, or any other time of year. So why not take a stroll through a local garden or park and soak up the natural beauty of this amazing place? Hawaii’s native flora is as diverse as the habitats and ecosystems that support it. From the lush rainforests to the barren volcanic landscapes, each habitat provides a unique set of challenges and opportunities for plant species to thrive.

In conclusion, native Hawaiian flowers have been an integral part of Hawaiian culture for centuries. They are used for various purposes, including cultural events, traditional medicine, and landscaping. By preserving these flowers, we can continue to appreciate their beauty and cultural significance for generations to come.


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