Kangaroo Paw Varieties

Discover the 11 Stunning Varieties of Kangaroo Paw Flowers

Australia’s native flora is as diverse and mesmerizing as its landscapes, and among the most iconic are the Kangaroo Paw flower varieties. Known for its vibrant colors and unique shapes, the Kangaroo Paw attracts gardeners, nature lovers, and florists alike. These striking plants not only add a touch of the exotic to any space but also carry significant cultural importance. Lets explore 11 Kangaroo Paw flower varieties, providing practical tips for growing and caring for them, and highlighting their unique features and uses.

Kangaroo Paw Flower Varieties

Flower Lovers Want to Know

How often should I water my Kangaroo Paw flowers?

Watering should be consistent during the growing season, but avoid waterlogging the soil. Deep watering once a week is usually sufficient.

Can Kangaroo Paw flowers grow in pots?

Yes, many dwarf varieties like ‘Bush Pearl’ and ‘Bush Dance’ are perfect for container gardening.

What do I do if my Kangaroo Paw flowers get frost damage?

Protect them with frost covers or move potted plants indoors. Prune damaged leaves and stems to encourage new growth.

Discover the 11 Stunning Varieties of Kangaroo Paw Flowers

The Kangaroo Paw flower varieties (Anigozanthos) are striking plants native to Western Australia. The name comes from the flower’s tubular, furry, distinctive claw-like blooms, which resemble a kangaroo’s paw. Indigenous Australians have long valued these plants for their beauty and medicinal properties.  Their cultural significance is deeply rooted in Aboriginal history, where they are used in traditional medicine and cultural ceremonies. Today, Kangaroo Paw flowers are celebrated globally for their unique appearance and vivid hues.

Top Varieties of Kangaroo Paw

Anigozanthos 'Bush Pearl' 1. Anigozanthos ‘Bush Pearl’

Anigozanthos ‘Bush Pearl’ is a standout among kangaroo paws. You will love its bright candy pink blooms, which appear on tall, branching stalks. These blooms can last for months, making your garden vibrant and full of life.

This plant is compact and perfect for smaller beds and patio containers. It thrives in sunny spots with well-drained soil. Make sure to water it adequately and provide some fertilizer to keep it healthy.  Bush Pearl is also great in pots, making it a versatile choice for many gardeners.

Bush Pearl has a dwarf habit and nonstop blooming performance. Its lovely pink flowers attract birds and make excellent cut flowers. To maintain its beauty, trim dead flowers by cutting the stem and the leaf fan close to the ground.

If you live in a frost-free area, you can enjoy its vibrant pink flowers all year round. Give it lots of sun and it will be a fantastic performer in your garden.


Known for its bright pink flowers, ‘Bush Pearl’ is perfect for adding a pop of color to your landscape.

Growing Tips:

  • Needs well-drained soil
  • Full sun to partial shade
  • Prune spent flowers to encourage reblooming

Unique Features:

  • Vibrant pink blooms
  • Long flowering season
Anigozanthos preissii2. Anigozanthos preissii – Red and Green

Anigozanthos preissii ‘Red and Green’ is a striking variety of kangaroo paw. This plant is known for its vibrant red and green flowers that stand out beautifully against the green foliage.

The red and green kangaroo paw is special because it is the floral emblem of Western Australia.

The flowers grow on leafless stalks and are noticeable for their tubular shape with velvety hairs. The tips of the petals curve, giving the flowers a unique look.

You can grow this plant in USDA zones 10-11. It thrives in warm climates and loves full sun. Place it in well-drained soil for the best results.

Anigozanthos preissii ‘Red and Green’ can grow to be around 2-10 feet tall, depending on growing conditions. It might need staking due to its height.


The iconic Red and Green Kangaroo Paw is Western Australia’s floral emblem. Its vibrant red and green flowers bloom from spring to early summer, making it a true standout in any garden.

Growing Tips:

  • Prefers sandy, well-drained soil
  • Requires full sun exposure
  • Water moderately, avoiding waterlogged conditions

Unique Features:

  • Striking red and green coloration
  • Hardy and drought-resistant
Golden Velvet Kangaroo Paw3. Gold Velvet or Bush Gold

With its golden-yellow blooms and velvety texture, ‘Gold Velvet’ is a standout variety. It’s particularly popular for use in floral arrangements due to its striking appearance and long vase life.

This Australian native thrives in well-rained, sandy soils and basks under full sun. I’ve observed it growing to a compact height, making it a fitting choice for those seeking low maintenance yet eye-catching additions to their landscapes. Watering should mimic the plant’s natural arid conditions, meaning less is more. Its resilience against drought aligns with eco-friendly gardening, promoting sustainability.


Bush Gold is celebrated for its golden-yellow flowers and compact growth, making it ideal for smaller spaces.

Growing Tips:

  • Plant in full sun
  • Ensure the soil is well-draining
  • Water moderately

Unique Features:

  • Golden-yellow flowers
  • Compact and easy to manage
Bush Ranger Variety4. Bush Ranger

A smaller variety, ‘Bush Ranger’ features bright orange flowers and is ideal for container gardening. Its compact size makes it versatile for various garden settings. This plant has adapted to thrive in dry conditions, making it a perfect choice for drought-tolerant gardens. Its striking coloration provides a bold contrast when used in landscaping, often becoming a focal point. For optimal growth, provide well-drained soil and full sunlight. Interestingly, its resilience and minimal care requirements make it a favored selection for gardeners seeking low-maintenance yet visually appealing native plants.


This variety produces striking red flowers with a green base and is known for its resilience.

Growing Tips:

  • Thrives in sandy, well-drained soil
  • Requires full sun
  • Regular watering during establishment

Unique Features:

  • Bold red flowers
  • Hardy and adaptable
Bush Diamond5. Bush Diamond

This variety offers stunning white flowers with a hint of green, providing a more subtle yet elegant addition to gardens and arrangements. Each flower boasts a distinctive, diamond-like sparkle, adding allure to any garden. This variety thrives in well-drained soils, basking in full sunlight for optimal growth. Care involves regular watering during dry spells and minimal fertilization, ensuring its elegant blooms grace gardens with minimal effort.


‘Bush Diamond’ offers white to pale pink flowers, adding a soft touch to any garden.

Growing Tips:

  • Prefers full sun
  • Well-drained soil is essential
  • Water regularly during dry spells

Unique Features:

  • Soft pastel flowers
  • Compact growth
Anigozanthos flavidus6. Yellow Gem Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos flavidus)

Anigozanthos ‘Yellow Gem’ stands out with its tall, bright bicolored flowers. This plant grows in a clump and can reach up to 1.5 meters in height. The flowers are a striking mix of red and yellow, making them a vibrant addition to any garden.

This variety blooms from late spring to mid-summer. The blooms are highly branched and appear on tall stems, creating a beautiful display. The flowers have a unique shape, resembling a kangaroo paw, which adds an interesting texture to your flower beds.

To keep Anigozanthos ‘Yellow Gem’ healthy, make sure it gets plenty of water, especially during the growing season. Feeding the plant with a good fertilizer will also help it thrive.

These plants are tough and can withstand different garden conditions. They are used both as garden plants and cut flowers. They’re popular in home gardens and commercial cultivation across the world, including the USA, Israel, and Japan.


Known for its bright yellow flowers, this variety can grow up to 1.5 meters tall, adding height and color to garden landscapes.

Growing Tips:

  • Adaptable to various soil types
  • Thrives in both full sun and partial shade
  • Regularly prune to encourage new growth

Unique Features:

  • Long-lasting blooms
  • Attracts birds and pollinators
Harmony Kangaroo Paw Flower Varieties7. Orange Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos ‘Harmony’)

Anigozanthos ‘Kangaroo Paw Orange Cross’ is a tall, beautiful variety of kangaroo paw. It features striking orange flowers on highly branched stems.  This plant grows to about 4-5 feet tall and spreads 2-3 feet wide. It thrives in full sun and prefers well-drained soil.

You’ll find that this kangaroo paw is quite hardy. It can tolerate temperatures as low as 25-30 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, it attracts hummingbirds, bringing more life to your garden.  Flowering occurs in late spring to summer. Fertilize it from late winter to spring for the best results.


‘Harmony’ produces stunning orange flowers that are perfect for adding a warm tone to your garden.

Growing Tips:

  • Requires well-drained soil
  • Position in a sunny spot
  • Mulch around the base to retain moisture

Unique Features:

  • Compact growth habit
  • Vibrant orange blooms
Pink Joey8. Pink Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos ‘Pink Joey’)

These plants flourish in the warm, sun-kissed soils of their native habitat, reaching their peak bloom in the spring and summer months. For gardeners seeking to replicate their natural conditions, well-drained soil and full sunlight are paramount. The allure of Anigozanthos pink joey lies not just in its aesthetic appeal, but in its resilience and adaptability to various environmental conditions.


‘Pink Joey’ is celebrated for its soft pink flowers that bloom throughout the warmer months, offering a delicate aesthetic.

Growing Tips:

  • Plant in a sunny location
  • Ensure soil is well-draining
  • Water regularly during dry periods

Unique Features:

  • Delicate pink flowers
  • Ideal for container planting
Macropidia fuliginosa9. Black Kangaroo Paw (Macropidia fuliginosa)

The Black Kangaroo Paw is a fascinating plant native to Western Australia. Known for its black and green flowers, it stands out among other flora. This plant belongs to the Haemodoraceae family and thrives in well-draining soil and sunny conditions. The unique coloration of the flowers is due to a dense covering of black hairs that contrast with the green interior.


A rare variety, the Black Kangaroo Paw features dark, almost black flowers with green highlights, making it a striking addition to any collection.

Growing Tips:

  • Needs excellent drainage
  • Full sun exposure is crucial
  • Protect from frost

Unique Features:

  • Unique black coloration
  • Highly sought after by collectors
Anigozanthos viridis10. Green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos viridis)

Its rare green flowers present a stark contrast against the more commonly seen hues within this family. Cultivating Anigozanthos viridis poses unique challenges, demanding keen attention to soil, light, and water requirements. Despite these hurdles, its inclusion in native plant collections is invaluable. For enthusiasts of eco-friendly gardening and conservation, this species represents a badge of honor, symbolizing both the fragility and resilience of Australia’s botanical heritage.


This variety boasts bright green flowers, often with a yellow or red tinge, and is known for its robust growth.

Growing Tips:

  • Adaptable to different soils
  • Prefers sunny locations
  • Tolerates light frost

Unique Features:

  • Bright green flowers
  • Vigorous growth habit
Bush Nugget Kangaroo Paw11. Bush Nugget

Anigozanthos ‘Bush Nugget’ is a stunning variety of kangaroo paw. Its bright yellow flowers are curved at the tips, resembling small kangaroo paws. This plant adds a cheerful burst of color to your garden.

The plant has smooth, sword-like leaves that grow in fan-like clumps. These green leaves offer a nice contrast to the golden flowers.

Bush Nugget is drought tolerant once established, making it a hardy choice for dry climates. It thrives in full sun or mostly sunny spots.

You’ll be happy to know that this variety attracts hummingbirds, adding some lively bird action to your yard. The flowers typically bloom from spring to fall.

‘Bush Nugget’ does well in average, gritty, and well-drained soil. It is part of the ‘Bush Gems’ series, which is known for resisting common leaf and root diseases.

If you’re looking for a garden plant that is both beautiful and tough, Anigozanthos ‘Bush Nugget’ is a great option. Its bright flowers and strong foliage make it a standout in any garden setting.


‘Bush Nugget’ is a compact variety with bright yellow flowers and is ideal for small gardens or containers.

Growing Tips:

  • Plant in well-drained soil
  • Ensure full sun exposure
  • Water sparingly

Unique Features:

  • Compact size
  • Brilliant yellow flowers

Growing Conditions

  • Light Requirements – Kangaroo Paw flower varieties thrive in full sun, requiring at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. This exposure ensures vibrant colors and robust growth.
  • Soil Preferences – These plants prefer well-draining soil, rich in organic matter. Sandy or loamy soils are ideal. If you have heavier soil, consider adding sand or gravel to improve drainage.
  • Watering Needs – While Kangaroo Paw flowers are drought-tolerant, regular watering helps them thrive. Water deeply but infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent root rot.
  • Temperature and Humidity – Kangaroo Paw plants are best suited to warm, dry climates. They can tolerate mild frost but may require protection during severe cold spells.

Seasonal Care Guide

  • Fertilize with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer.
  • Remove any dead or damaged foliage to encourage new growth.
  • Water regularly, especially during dry spells.
  • Deadhead spent blooms to promote continuous flowering.
  • Reduce watering as temperatures drop.
  • Mulch around the base to protect roots from cold.
  • Protect from frost using garden fleece if necessary.
  • Cut back on watering, keeping the soil slightly moist.

Unique Features

Each of Kangaroo Paw flower varieties has distinctive characteristics that set it apart. For example, ‘Bush Pearl’ is noted for its compact size and resilience, while ‘Big Red’ is admired for its height and vibrant color. The texture of the flowers, often described as velvety or furry, adds a tactile element that enhances their appeal both in gardens and floral arrangements.

Uses in Floral Arrangements

Florists love Kangaroo Paw for its bold colors and unique shapes. These flowers add texture and interest to bouquets and can be used as focal points or accents. Their long stems and vase life make them a versatile choice for various designs, from modern minimalist to lush and eclectic arrangements.

Conservation Efforts

Several species of Kangaroo Paw are considered threatened due to habitat loss and environmental changes. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these native plants. Organizations like Kings Park and Botanic Garden in Perth are dedicated to research and conservation, ensuring the survival of these iconic flowers for future generations.

Bringing the Outback into Your Garden

Incorporating Anigozanthos and Macropidia fuliginosa into your garden isn’t just about adding splashes of color; it’s a gesture towards sustainability. These resilient natives offer a haven for wildlife, supporting local ecosystems.

Imagine a corner of your space dedicated to the exuberance of Anigozanthos bush gold or the subtle elegance of Anigozanthos bush ranger. Not only do they enrich the aesthetic appeal, but they also thrive with minimal water, making them perfect for eco-friendly gardening endeavors. By choosing these plants, you engage in conservation of native species and foster a garden that buzzes with life, all while drawing from the rich tapestry of Australian flora.

A Last Look at the Paws

Conservation of native plants like Kangaroo Paws stands as a crucial endeavor. We’ve journeyed through the unique characteristics and ecological significance of species such as Macropidia fuliginosa and the Anigozanthos family, including bush gold, bush ranger, bush diamond, pink joey, and viridis. These efforts ensure the survival of Australia’s exquisite flora and aid in maintaining biodiversity. As we strive for eco-friendly gardening and sustainable landscaping, incorporating these rare specimens offers significant environmental benefits. Their drought-tolerance makes them ideal for wildlife-friendly gardens. Thus, I urge you to enrich your garden with Kangaroo Paws. Their vibrant beauty and rarity will not only enhance your outdoor space but also contribute to the preservation of these precious species.

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