Exotic and Rare Blue Flowers

6 Exotic and Rare Blue Flowers – The Most Stunning Varieties

Blue is a color that represents calmness, tranquility, and serenity. It is no wonder why blue flowers are highly sought-after by gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. However, blue flowers are not as common as other flower colors, making them more exotic and rare.

Rare Blue Flowers

Fortunately, through the science of flower breeding, more blue flowers are becoming available all the time.  Many types of blue flowers grow in different climates, from the delicate bluebells to the vibrant hydrangeas. With their unique color, blue flowers are sure to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any garden or floral arrangement.

Flower Lovers Want to Know

What is the rarest blue flower?

Himalayan poppy

Are there any naturally blue flowers?

Yes.  Delphinium.

What is the bluest flower in the world?

Cornflower is the bluest flower.

What is the rarest flower color?

Believe it or not, blue is the rarest flower color.

6 Exotic and Rare Blue Flowers – The Most Stunning Varieties

Whether you are a collector of rare flowers or simply looking for a way to add a pop of color to your garden, blue flowers are an excellent choice. Lets explore some of the rarest and most exotic blue flowers that can be found around the world. From the Himalayan blue poppy to the African blue lily, we will take a closer look at these stunning blooms and discover what makes them so special.

What are Rare Blue Flowers?

Blue flowers are a rare sight in nature, and that’s what makes them so special. These flowers are unique and exotic, and they can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any garden. Blue flowers come in a wide variety of shades, from pale baby blue to deep navy blue, and everything in between.

Some of the rarest and most exotic blue flowers include:

  • Himalayan Blue Poppy –  stunningly rare blue flower is native to the Himalayan Mountains with a vibrant blue color. It’s difficult to grow and requires specific conditions, making it a rare find.
  • Blue Passion Flower – unique flower native to South America with striking blue and purple colors. It’s a climbing vine that grows up to 30 feet long, making it a great addition to any garden trellis.
  • Blue Jacaranda –  this tree is native to South America and has beautiful blue-purple flowers. It’s a popular ornamental tree difficult to grow in certain climates.
  • Blue Lotus – an aquatic plant native to Asia known for its blue and white flowers.  A sacred flower in many cultures it is used in religious ceremonies.
  • Blue Angel Trumpet – rare blue flower native to South America with stunning blue and white trumpet-shaped blooms. Although it is a highly sought-after flower, it is difficult to grow in certain climates.

Types of Rare Blue Flowers

Blue flowers are a rare sight in nature, and exotic blue flowers are even harder to come by. In this section, we will explore some of the most beautiful and unique blue flowers found around the world.

Rare Blue Flowers - Himalayan Poppy1 – Blue Himalayan Poppy

The Blue Himalayan Poppy (Meconopsis betonicifolia) is a rare and exotic flower that is native to the Himalayan region. This flower is known for its striking blue color and delicate petals. It grows in cool, damp conditions and requires well-draining soil to thrive.

Features Requirements
Hardiness Zone 5 – 8
Light Exposure Partial shade
Watering Deep thorough watering
Soil Rich well-draining soil
Found In China, Northeast India, Nepal
Blooms Late spring to early summer
Botanical Name Meconopsis betonicifolia
Commonly Called Himalayan blue poppy
Blue Jacaranda Flowers2 – Blue Jacaranda

The Blue Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia) is a stunning tree that produces vibrant blue flowers. This native of South America was introduced to other parts of the world, including Australia and South Africa. The tree blooms in spring and summer, producing clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers.

Features Requirements
Hardiness Zone 10 – 11
Light Exposure Full sun
Watering Water when top 3-4″ of soil is dry
Soil Sandy well-draining soil
Found In South America
Blooms Late spring to early summer
Botanical Name Jacaranda mimosifolia
Commonly Called Blue jacaranda
Rare Blue Passionflower3 – Blue Passion Flower

The Blue Passion Flower (Passiflora caerulea) is a beautiful and unique flower that is native to South America. It has striking blue and white petals and complex, intricate structure. Its medicinal properties are used to treat anxiety and insomnia.

Features Requirements
Hardiness Zone 6 – 9
Light Exposure Full sun to partial shade
Watering Frequent for dry soil conditions
Soil Rich well-draining soil
Found In South America
Blooms June to October
Botanical Name Passiflora
Commonly Called Blue passion flower
Blue Columbine4 – Blue Columbine

The Blue Columbine (Aquilegia caerulea) is a rare and exotic flower that is native to the Rocky Mountains of North America. The columbine has delicate blue and white petals and unique, bell-shaped structure. The flower blooms in late spring and early summer and requires well-draining soil to thrive.

Features Requirements
Hardiness Zone 3 – 8
Light Exposure Full sun to partial shade
Watering Moderately moist soil
Soil Slightly acidic
Found In Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah
Blooms June to August
Botanical Name Aquilegia caerulea
Commonly Called Colorado blue columbine. Blue Columbine
Bluebells5 – Bluebell

The Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) is a beautiful and delicate flower that is native to Europe. It has a vibrant blue color and its sweet, fragrant scent. The flower blooms in spring and requires well-draining soil to thrive.

These rare blue flowers are a true wonder of nature. From the delicate petals of the Blue Himalayan Poppy to the intricate structure of the Blue Passion Flower, these flowers are sure to captivate and amaze anyone who sees them.

Features Requirements
Hardiness Zone 5 – 8
Light Exposure Full, direct sunlight
Watering Keep soil moist
Soil Mosit, well-draining soil
Found In North America, Europe
Blooms Late March to early May
Botanical Name Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Commonly Called Bluebells
6 – Blue Angel Trumpet

The blue Angel’s trumpet is the miniature cousin of the large trumpet flower.  The trumpet bush becomes a spectacular display of blue blooms spring to summer.  Their citrus fragrance is most noticeable in the evening time.

Features Requirements
Hardiness Zone 9 – 11
Light Exposure Full sun
Watering Keep soil moist – not wet
Soil Well-draining sandy soil
Found In Bolivia, Argentina
Blooms Eriolarynx australis
Botanical Name Brugmansia
Commonly Called Blue Angel’s Trumpet

Final Sprouts of Wisdom

Rare blue flowers are a sight to behold.  From the bright and vibrant blue to the soft muted blue, there is a blue flower for you.  Blue flowers used to be more rare and not common in nature.  Advancements in science and botany, have given the world more and more blue blooms.

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all images from Canva